We are excited to announce that Wildflower Lager Beer will be available at our cellar door and online (at 9am) on Saturday 11, November 2017.
At release, lager beer had aromas of sourdough crust, toasty and sweet maltiness. These paired nicely with spicy Saaz hop aromas. A classic and intense nose.
The palate was properly full bodied without being cloying. The mid-palate is thick and rich full of sweet grain and dough. The finish is crisp and dry.
We are loving having this beer at the cellar door and are very excited to share it.
Lager Beer is the second in our series of 'House' beers, normally only available at the cellar door. Along with Table beer, this series expresses flavours, techniques and styles that interest us as brewers. House beers are simple, well made, enjoyable drinks that you can easily share with friends. They are about community rather than sophistication.
Lager Beer is our take on a Czech Pilsner. Triple step mash, all Cz hops, open primary ferment, entirely fermented and lagered in a converted French oak 500l puncheon, like the Czech lagers of old.
We are continually brewing Lager Beer and it will be available at the cellar door as long as we have stock. Kegs may creep out of the brewery from time to time for special events and festivals, but like Table Beer, we believe its context is best understood at our brewery.
NOTE: This beer has been fermented with a specific strain of Lager yeast, not our mixed culture of brewer's yeast along with wild yeast and bacteria foraged from New South Wales. It is neither sour nor blended. Please read our previous post on this beer to understand where this fits in with our brewing style.
We hope that this crispy little beer will find a place at your table within good company